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三星终于停售Note 7智能手机‘乐竞app下载最新版’

发布时间:2024-10-20 03:11人气:

本文摘要:Samsung’s ambitions to rival Apple in the smartphone market suffered a deep setback after a series of fires in its flagship Galaxy Note 7 forced the South Korean giant to abandon the model in one of the most ignominious chapters in consumer electronics.三星(Samsung)在智能手机市场叫板苹果(Apple)的雄心遭一个相当严重挫折,其旗舰手机Galaxy Note 7再次发生的一系列发生爆炸事故被迫这家韩国巨擘退出这一型号,这件事已沦为消费电子产品史上最不光彩的篇章之一。

Samsung’s ambitions to rival Apple in the smartphone market suffered a deep setback after a series of fires in its flagship Galaxy Note 7 forced the South Korean giant to abandon the model in one of the most ignominious chapters in consumer electronics.三星(Samsung)在智能手机市场叫板苹果(Apple)的雄心遭一个相当严重挫折,其旗舰手机Galaxy Note 7再次发生的一系列发生爆炸事故被迫这家韩国巨擘退出这一型号,这件事已沦为消费电子产品史上最不光彩的篇章之一。More than $19bn was wiped off the company’s market value amid growing fears that the safety issues around the Note 7 could damage the group’s reputation and have an impact on the group’s other consumer products.该公司的市值已冷却了逾190亿美元,市场更加担忧,环绕Note 7的安全性问题有可能伤害该集团的声誉,并对该集团的其他消费产品产生冲击。There have already been some signs of contagion, with a slowdown in S7 sales this week, according to one network, which cautioned that it was too early to tell if there had been sustained damage to the Samsung brand.早已有一些蔓延到迹象。

一家网络运营商称之为,本周S7销售上升,它规劝称之为,现在要辨别三星品牌否已受到长久伤害还为时过早。“Samsung’s credibility is on the line,” said Bryan Ma, analyst at IDC. “Samsung needs to make sure that consumers can trust its brand or else other products [and future products] are at risk.”“三星的可信度岌岌可危,”IDC分析师Bryan Ma回应。“三星必须保证消费者需要信任其品牌,否则其他产品乃至未来产品将面对风险。”The decision to scrap the line, once viewed as an “iPhone killer”, came after the company was forced to make a second recall of the smartphone as photos of the devices ablaze shot across social media worldwide.要求退出这款一度被视作“iPhone刺客”的手机之前,该公司不得不对其展开第二次解任,因为这款手机起火燃烧的照片在世界各地社交媒体上热传。

Samsung thought it had solved the battery fire problems last month after US regulators ordered the first recall following 92 reports of batteries overheating. But the incidents continued, putting intense pressure on the group. After initially scaling back production earlier this week, it finally took the unprecedented step to kill it off.三星上月以为它早已解决问题了电池发生爆炸问题,此前美国监管机构在收到92份电池短路报告后命令其展开第一次解任。但发生爆炸事件仍接二连三再次发生,给该集团带给极大压力。本周早些时候宣告削减生产后,它再一采行了前所未有的出局措施。

According to one person who has spoken to Samsung executives, problems with the phone appeared to have arisen from tweaks to the processor to speed up the rate at which the phone could be charged. That would suggest it was not an issue with the battery itself, as Samsung initially speculated, or the design of the phone, but with the underlying technology.曾与三星高管聊天的一名人士称之为,这款手机的问题或许源于对处理器展开的调整,其目的是减缓手机电池速度。如果是这样的话,问题就不是像三星最初推断的那样在于电池,也不是手机的设计,而是在于基础技术。“If you try to charge the battery too quickly it can make it more volatile. If you push an engine too hard, it will explode. Something had to give. These devices are miracles of technology — how much we can get out of that tiny piece of lithium-ion,” the person told the Financial Times.“如果您尝试对电池太快电池,可能会使其更为不平稳。


这些装置是技术奇迹——我们需要从这么一点点锂离子取得这么大电量,”上述人士对英国《金融时报》回应。Samsung was not available for comment, but insiders had previously said it would not comment before a thorough investigation had been conducted.记者联系不上三星请求其置评,但内部人士曾回应,该公司在展开完全调查之前会表态。Shares in the South Korean company fell 8 per cent — their biggest percentage decline since October 2008 — as analysts warned that damage from the recall fiasco was likely to hit Samsung’s reputation as well as sales in coming months. That could be a boon to rivals such as Apple and Google, just as their new devices hit the market ahead of the crucial holiday sales season.这家韩国公司股价暴跌8%,这是自2008年10月以来的仅次于百分比跌幅。







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